Sisustustaulu ”Asiat eivät aina ole sitä miltä ne näyttävät” (myyty)

2 300,00 

Create a home atmosphere with this board that will make your apartment cozy, and a little more special.

Unique wool painting with wet and needle felting technique. The frames are made of gray board, which still makes it just more special.


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SKU: table_hare-1 Category:


Art invigorates, comforts, delights… The colors of Vila last for decades.

The painting is suitable for a wide variety of homes and works great as a slightly unique gift. This felt board does not require any special care, as long as you remember to wipe the dust!

Ulkomitta 103 x 84cm, sisämitta 61 x 81cm.



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Additional information

Weight 4000 g
Dimensions 84,5 × 2 × 104,5 cm