Felting with children

Felting is a method of making a product from wool fiber. Wool fibers can be treated with water or by felting with a needle. If you were going to do a lot of work or fabric, you should use wet felting. Small individual items are easier to make by needle felting.

When working with children, it is important to keep in mind that more time is needed for work and children’s abilities. Children’s work and completion of work is mostly influenced by their motivation to do felting. It’s good to talk to children about how they see the finished work; in what color, size, or shape. Make some kind of sketch of the two of you so that you, especially the child, can get a better idea of what the finished work should look like.


huovutus lasten kanssa, huovutus, huopa, lasten askartelu, villa


I see no reason why a child should not independently hold a needle when felting. Of course, there should be a discussion with the children about safety instructions. Also, be more vigilant about how your child uses the needle. Also, take more breaks so that the child does not just start fooling around about fatigue / lack of motivation.


I myself have experience felting with a two year old and a felting session should not last more than 5-10 minutes. The 14-year-old can work up to two hours. If the workload is large, it is worth breaking it down into smaller parts, as the child's developing brain will not stay focused for very long.


Don't skimp on children's supplies. If they are of poor quality, the child will not be able to fall in love with anything like that, which will not even work properly. Children's equipment includes investing so that the child does not get bored right away, but continues on. They have to get used to the “good” from the beginning.

keppihevonen, huovutus lasten kanssa,

In the photos: Heppatyttö ~ Saana Rissanen and and her self-made stick horse.

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